200 Miles to Liberty
Perilous Miles – Book Four

An EMP attack by North Korea has left most of the United States dark, cold, and in chaos.

Major Damon Sorley is on a mission to bring the president-elect to Washington as quickly as possible. The road is full of peril, as people realize this won’t be fixed anytime soon. But he’s not alone. He and his fellow soldiers will have to make some tough decisions. Their lives will depend on it.

Having lived in blissful ignorance of the darker side of human nature, the Marshalls and Chandlers are finding out quickly that no place is safe from the desperation of those who find themselves ill-prepared to face their new reality. They must learn new skill sets if they are to survive — whether they want to or not.

Can a tyrannical president be stopped? Will people who have never had to defend themselves be able to learn how in time?

Get your copy of 200 Miles to Liberty: Perilous Miles Book 4 today!