Happy Thanksgiving!
I can’t believe it’s already Thanksgiving! This year is flying by. I know y’all think I’ve been a slacker because book 4 isn’t out yet but I’ve been working on a project that has tugged at my heart for a while. I’m putting together a book of short stories from various authors – actually, it’s going to be two books now – for which 100% of the proceeds are going to help homeless veterans. We will be giving the royalties to the Disabled American Veterans. We are trying to get the first book out by Christmas, with the second to launch around Memorial Day. I hope you will all support the efforts of the authors who are donating their time and talent to this worthy cause by buying the books when they come out. You’ll get another email when they launch so keep your eyes open and thank you in advance for helping us support our veterans!
Oh, and I am working on book 4. Promise.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out my work yet, I have a special coming up. December 4 – 6, When the Power is Gone, book 1 in the Powerless World series, will be free in ebook. If you have read it, tell your friends! Because … FREE!

Fellow post-apoc author Theresa Shaver has the final book in her Stranded series launching in January but right now you can read the rest of the series on Kindle Unlimited. If you haven’t read it, now’s the time! I loved this series and I think you will, too! This is book 1, titled Land.

My buddy Boyd Craven, a fellow DD12 author, has a new release. The follow up to Blackout in his Still Surviving series is out now. Get your copy today!

If you don’t know what DD12 is, you should really check us out on Facebook. We talk about our books, share prepping tips, and have some nice giveaways. Come on in!

I hope you all have a wonderful, tasty, and safe Thanksgiving!
Copyright © 2018 P.A. Glaspy, Author, All rights reserved.