Anne’s Farmacy

Many of you have commented on the valuable information of the medicinal herbs in Book 2. I’ve compiled a list of those and a few others. This is by no means all-inclusive in either the relevant plants or their properties. I strongly encourage you to do an internet search for “medicinal herbs”, or go to Amazon and search “medicinal herbs free” for some free or cheap ebooks. Knowledge is power, and this knowledge could be worth its weight in gold if the SHTF. Got an empty window sill that gets good sun year around? You can plant your own farmacy!
Aloe Vera: scar removal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, repair damaged skin and promote the growth of healthy skin
Arrowroot: antiseptic, digestion, irregularity
Basil: low blood sugar, lack of appetite, antioxidant
Bay Laurel: dandruff, arthritis pain, inflammation
Burdock: skin diseases, antibacterial, antifungal, inflammation, mild laxative
Catnip: not just for cats! Relaxation, diuretic, laxative
Chamomile: calming sleep aid, tooth and earaches in a poultice, muscle relaxation, anxiety and tension, indigestion and colic, skin irritations
Chervil: relieves soreness and swelling
Chives: reduces inflammation, repels insects, beta carotene and Vitamin C
Cilantro/Coriander: antioxidants, stomach upset, cholesterol
Cloves: kills harmful bacteria, fights inflammation, relieves stomach and tooth issues
Comfrey: bruises, sprains, skin ulcers, wounds, broken bones, menstrual, diarrhea, cough, sore throat
Dill: assists in digestion, combats bad breath, lessens swelling, boils, and cramps
Echinacea: improved immune system, treats symptoms of cold and flu
Fennel: breath freshener, pesticide, upset stomach
Feverfew: used in the treatment of fevers, colds, ease pain of arthritis, skin conditions
Jasmine: antioxidants, fever, urinary inflammation, stress, heat stroke, sedative, antiseptic, antidepressant, antispasmodic, analgesic
Lamb’s Ear: bandage, absorbent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, menstrual flow
Lavender: relaxation, promotes healthy sleep patterns, helps with headaches, including migraines, antiseptic
Lemon Balm: bug repellent, treat colds, fever, headaches, anxiety, insomnia, wounds, bites, upset stomach, helps heal cold sores
Marigold: sunburn, acne, soothes ulcers and digestive problems
Parsley: Vitamins A and C, helps stabilize blood pressure, breath freshener
Peppermint/Spearmint: digestion, fever, headache. Can be brewed into a tea. Peppermint has Vitamin B, calcium, and potassium
Pot Marigold (Calendula): insect bites, sprains, fever, infections
Rosemary: antioxidants, breath freshener
Sage: internally, stomach and nerve issues; externally, skin infections, mouth infections, bug bites, cuts, inflammation
Thyme: disinfectant, antiseptic, digestive aid, infections, coughs, congestion
Wheatgrass: improved blood flow, antioxidants, over 100 nutrients