New Year, New Series!

The wait is over! 300 Miles, Book 1 in my new Perilous Miles series, is live on Amazon. The print version should be up in the next few days. What’s it about? Here’s the back cover blurb:

A nuclear warhead detonated at 300 miles above the center of the United States would effectively take out the entire electrical grid and infrastructure of the forty-eight contiguous states. Most people don’t think this is a possibility. But what if it is? What if a country like North Korea actually has the capability to do this but have led us to believe they don’t? What if they had acquired stealth technology that would let them launch a missile that we didn’t know about until it was too late to stop it?

Carly Marshall is a twenty-first-century single mom. She works hard and lives modern. Take-out food, the latest technology, and all the modern conveniences of the time make up her life. She doesn’t have to worry about feeding her family. She doesn’t think twice about water coming out of the faucets. She’s on the path to advancement at her firm. Life can’t get much better. But what if it could get worse?

You know what the best news is? This new book is only $.99!

Intrigued? Go get your copy now! 300 Miles, Perilous Miles Book 1

By the way, if you are on my Advanced Reader Team, please take a moment and give it a review. Thank you!

Copyright © 2017 P.A. Glaspy, Author, All rights reserved.